1.Figure 3 displays the general concept of pulling the code from the JSP page and putting into a JSP tag.
2.Further definition of the general concept of public interest litigation involves the definitions of public interest and litigation rights.
3.In addition, the general concept of the Technique and its application in the near earth satellite system with some examples are described.
4.The concept of causing no harm to others is quite a general concept, and one that we find in most professional codes of conduct.
5.To better support the extensibility goals of the platform it would be useful to have a more general concept of modules.
6.In tensor algebra the vector appears as a special case of a more general concept, which includes stress and inertia tensors .
7.As a product of democracy, the Accountability Government has now become the general concept of modern governance around the world.
8.He explained the general concept of military measures in response to virtual questions.
9.The general concept of biotechnological use of soil micro-organisms to degrade recalcitrant molecules is much older and widely exploited.
10.Was that one of the challenges when implementing the programme? Yes, as was getting the general concept over.